Previous incidents
Dashboard, GraphQL API (Registry), Webhooks, and 1 other service are down
Resolved Sep 16 at 09:32am CEST
Dashboard and GraphQL API (Registry) recovered.
4 previous updates
Ongoing incident with Azure Postgres database (resolved)
Resolved Sep 10 at 03:00pm CEST
An ongoing incident with Azure's Postgres database service affected Hive. The issue seems to be solved now, and no longer effects Hive.
Resolved: At 12:48 PM, Sunday, 10 September 2023 UTC, the Azure monitoring system received the following information regarding your resource: Your Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible server is currently unavailable. We are working to resolve the problem.
GraphQL API (Registry) is down
Resolved Sep 10 at 02:48pm CEST
GraphQL API (Registry) recovered.
1 previous update
Webhooks is down
Resolved Sep 06 at 10:27am CEST
Webhooks recovered.
1 previous update
Dashboard is down
Resolved Aug 22 at 01:45pm CEST
Dashboard recovered.
1 previous update
Dashboard, GraphQL API (Registry), Usage reporting, Tokens, Usage reports pro...
Resolved Aug 21 at 03:44pm CEST
GraphQL API (Registry) and Usage reporting recovered.
22 previous updates
Webhooks is down
Resolved Jul 30 at 10:36pm CEST
Webhooks recovered.
1 previous update
Dashboard and GraphQL API (Registry) are down
Resolved Jul 24 at 11:03am CEST
Dashboard recovered.
2 previous updates